Thursday, November 22, 2007


There are so many things to be thankful for, not just on Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the obvious things...the health of my family and friends, food in the fridge, a job that pays the bills. I am also so very thankful for my good friends, far and near. From MLG to my north, to KAG to the south - my dear friends help get me through the most trying of times. They are my sounding boards, my safe harbor, and my sanity. Thank you so very much.

Although I do not show it or express it nearly enough, I am thankful to my wife JAL. She does so much for the kids and I, things I do not even think of or realize. She keeps me stocked on my favorite chewing gum while managing to keep the cabinets and fridge full our varied needs and requests. She runs the kids around, takes the animals to the vet, and manages to work 40+ hours a week while helping kids with homework and juggling multiple loads of laundry. It is my generous wife who has made it possible for me to go to school 2 nights a week to purse my passion for ASL.

Speaking of ASL, I find that I am thankful for the numerous good friends I have made in and around the Deaf community. You have been inspirational teachers, wonderful mentors, and now cherished friends. I am so happy to have been embraced into your community and given the opportunity to learn your language and culture.

Safe travels to everyone as they venture far and near this holiday...

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