So last Friday evening, I attended an open panel discussion for Cal-Ed (California Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) as part of their weekend long conference in San Ramon. Here is the blurb from my ASL Meetup Site:

Friday, March 7, 2008
8:30-10:00 PM- panel, "Deaf Education through the Deaf Community's Eyes"
8:30-10:00 PM- panel, "Deaf Education through the Deaf Community's Eyes"
Immediately following the CAL-ED conference's Friday night reception, there will be a "Deaf Education through the Deaf Community's Eyes" panel from 8:30 to 10:00 PM. This panel is OPEN to everybody, and does not require a CAL-ED conference registration. We encourage everybody to attend and participate in an ASL-English interpreted state-wide discussion on Deaf Education in California. The panel will be held at the San Ramon Marriott Hotel, 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon, CA.
Famous and well-known people will be there including:
Moderator: Dr. Larry Fleischer, CSUN professor & Gallaudet University Board
Chriz Dally, leader
Sheri Farinha Mutti, CEO, NorCal
Dr. Maribel Garate, Gallaudet University professor
Mal Grossinger, Superintendent, CSD-Riverside
Dr. Don Grushkin, CSU Sacramento professor
Tara Holcomb, community leader & Deaf mother of a Deaf child
Tami Hossler, hearing mother of a successful Deaf daughter
Dr. Hank Klopping, Superintendent, CSD-Fremont
Ella Mae Lentz, community leader & author
Liann Osborne, DCARA Board member
It was like a "who's who" in the Deaf Community night. I think I got to visit with every former teacher and their spouse. I also had the opportunity to listen to many of the community members that I know by name, or know by reading their vlogs.
The passion and energy in the room was wonderful. There are so many people who genuinely care about the future of our deaf children - great things have to happen with this type of momentum.
After the panel discussion, many of us went over to play pool and continue visiting at a local pool hall. That was an eye opening experience which I will write about later since I am late for a meeting...