I swear I asked myself a handful of times WHY it is that I am trudging up over 150 steps, in the dark, in the rain, in the wind, to attend this Deaf History class!
It is great to have the campus upon a hilltop, when I don't have to kill myself to get there. The view is lovely, but the climb is almost a deterrent.
Once I got to my class, my pulse jumping out of my neck visibly, I was happy to be there. This is what I have to remember.
Our teacher is Deaf. I knew that going into it. Who better to teach Deaf History than someone in the community. The part that was a challenge for me is the interpreters in the class. I am so used to ASL instruction classes that demand a NO VOICE policy. To have the terps there, telling us to VOICE for ourselves, is so much different for me. I know enough ASL to understand perhaps 80% of the lecture. Plus I only hear well out of one ear. This combination makes it an odd reality to watch the teacher and understand him in ASL, and then HEAR the English words 10 seconds later.
I will just have to adjust. One of my friends in the class, who struggles with the two language input also, is bringing earplugs. We will see how it goes...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Spring Semester 2008
Well tonight starts my Spring 2008 semester at Ohlone. I was really bummed to learn that my last ASL class (ASL 104) was cancelled. Knowing myself, I figured it would be wise to find something else to take on campus - to keep me in the swing of showing up! I will be the first to admit it has been fabulous not to have that huge hike up to the main building twice a week. I am still hiking, just one night a week.
Tonight's class is Deaf History. There is one required text, which I have already read. It will be good to re-read it again with the lecture and class discussion. I am sure I will get much more out of it this time. I like to think I know a fair amount about Deaf Culture and History just from being the ASL Geek that I am. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge, and learning from another set of hands.
I don't know anyone else planning to take this class, so hopefully I can make some new friends and expand my ASL social circle...
Friday, January 18, 2008
What a bummer. After posting yesterday I got some wonderful support and feedback from you all encouraging me to stick with my ASL studies. I was all ready to make the long hike up to the campus on Tuesday and Thursday. The idea of FINALLY finishing the ASL classes (which I started in 1988) was intoxicating. While I know one can never "finish" learning a language, it was fun to think that I would be completing as many classes as were available to me.

Then I got the email from the school. The class is cancelled.
The school not only cancelled my ASL 104 class, but they cancelled ASL 103 also. I know about a half dozen people who were ready to either repeat or continue on to 103. When you are an adult learner, a semester delay is very de-motivating.
All is not lost though. I decided to register for another ASL class, Deaf History. It is one I was going to take anyway, so it will be a good filler. On the bright side, this class is only one night a week. Maybe it is a Karma thing, giving me a bit of a break but still keeping me going. I also have my online class. I think it is some music appreciation or the like. Something to check off my requirement list.
Sort of ironic, taking classes to enhance my understanding of a culture of people who cannot hear and at the same time taking a class that is based on hearing music.
Trudging forward.......
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Motivation & Seasonal Depression
It has been a very long time since I have paid attention to my little blog. This Holiday season was more hectic than normal due to the death of my grandfather and travel to the Midwest. I had a lovely time visiting cold and snowy Kansas City, only to come home to one of our worst "storms" of the season. The next day was the memorial for Grandfather, with dark gray clouds that kept raining down on us.
I tend to be one of those people who gets "seasonally depressed" during the winter months. The rain and gloom, coupled with early darkness, make it hard for me to be motivated to do much in the evenings. It makes the evening seem so much later than it is when I arrive home at 5:30 and it is already dark. Perhaps this is why I have not been as active in my ASL groups. I missed my December meetup because I was at my Grandfather's bedside. I missed my January meetup because it was the night before the funeral and raining. My fingers are getting rusty and my motivation to push forward with ASL classes is faltering.
The thought of dragging my ass off to school again two nights a week, in the early darkness, is daunting. I know once I am there I will be fine and happy to be involved again. But this break has been nice. It has been nice to have time in the evenings to spend with family. I have re-energized a former passtime of knitting. I am finding it keeps my fingers limber and is a good activity to sit and reflect in the quiet and rhythmic movements of my bamboo needles.
While I *KNOW* I need to get off my ass and go back to class, I am struggling. Additionally, we do not even know if the class will continue since they have no instructor at this point. I am registered, but have not paid yet, since it may be cancelled. I feel like I am in limbo and I do not like it.
I have to find my motivation again. I am sure that if I do not attend this semester, I will fizzle out. Perhaps Deaf Coffee Chat tomorrow will help motivate me to get my hands moving again...

The thought of dragging my ass off to school again two nights a week, in the early darkness, is daunting. I know once I am there I will be fine and happy to be involved again. But this break has been nice. It has been nice to have time in the evenings to spend with family. I have re-energized a former passtime of knitting. I am finding it keeps my fingers limber and is a good activity to sit and reflect in the quiet and rhythmic movements of my bamboo needles.
While I *KNOW* I need to get off my ass and go back to class, I am struggling. Additionally, we do not even know if the class will continue since they have no instructor at this point. I am registered, but have not paid yet, since it may be cancelled. I feel like I am in limbo and I do not like it.
I have to find my motivation again. I am sure that if I do not attend this semester, I will fizzle out. Perhaps Deaf Coffee Chat tomorrow will help motivate me to get my hands moving again...
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